
Commission a similar piece

A captivating piece titled “BRIGHTER DAYS,” on a completely soft-carved surfboard. The sun-kissed horizon meets the rhythmic waves. Featuring subtle textures of acrylics in beautiful blues and subtle tones. This unique artwork evokes a sense of hope as if witnessing dawn breaking over the ocean. Title inspired from LEELAND song "Brighter Days".

Details & Dimensions

● Dimensions: 19" x 70"
● Mixed media: Acrylic, ink blends, and resin on recycled surfboard
● Ready to Hang: Comes with hardware for easy installation.
● Hang it horizontally or vertically. Click here to explore display ideas.
● 100% Original: Comes with a certificate of authenticity by the artist.

Shipping & Returns

From the time of order placement, order preparation and package take 3 to 5 days. Clients will receive an email with a tracking number once their order has shipped.
Once shipped, California orders typically arrive within 1- 2 days.
Delivery of orders to western states typically takes between 2 and 4 days.
Delivery of orders to midwestern states or east coast states typically takes between 3 and 7 days.
International delivery times vary, depending on order size/weight, and delivery destination. Clients may contact me directly for specific details.
All returns must be completed within 30 days of purchase, wrapped in non abrasive and acid free, archival materials, to receive a refund, minus shipping cost. To make a return, please contact me through my website.

Care & Handling

● Each piece comes with care instructions.
● Do not use any chemicals or solvents to clean your artwork. To clean, lightly spritz the art surface with water and gently wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.
● Use acid-free and archival-quality materials to wrap and pack your artwork
● Do not use Surfboard Art recreationally.

Secure Packaging – Sustainable - 100% Original

Sustainable Artistry

As an artist who calls the lively coastal landscape home, I feel a responsibility to preserve coastal memories. That's why sustainability serves as the guiding light behind my work, crafted consciously from recycled and upcycled canvases.